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English School website optimized for AdWords Search and Display

To Be English School, the English language school in Turin that offers personalized study programs and tutors to its students. The website has been developed using Drupal's CMS, where we designed and created an original Bootstrap based interface. We have also developed a responsive layout, studied for its optimal visualization on different devices.

This website allows all visitors to test their own level of English for free, thanks to a multiple choice test. Once the survey is finished, the user automatically gets an email with the results. What's more, the website administrators can modify any question or even create new ones, assing a score to each question e create different messages upon the test results.

We have also performed a SEO optimization to the project, by adding dedicated landing pages and setting it up for Google Adwords's Search and Display campaigns.

Home Page To Be English School
Corsi  To Be English School
domande test inglese
Pagina test completato con successo
Mail con il risultato del test effettuato
Contatti To Be English School