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User Experience Design

We create custom user experiences

For us, UX Design is not a mystery. We’re here to make every project unique with the work of our team of UX experts, who will craft a user experience that is 100% user-proof.


The user journey

User Experience (UX) design is crucial for both web and mobile app design. A good UX ensures intuitive and straightforward interaction, enhancing user satisfaction and fostering loyalty. The better the User Experience, the higher the views. Search engines reward websites that provide a functional browsing experience, and ranking higher in the SERPs means increased website traffic and greater potential for conversions. Our web agency can make all this a reality.

UX Design: our tools

To design user experiences, we use advanced tools like Figma, a collaborative design platform that allows designers to create interactive prototypes, wireframes, and mockups. With its real-time collaboration features, Figma enables teams to work together efficiently, reducing development time and improving design consistency.

Designing UX: our method


Initial strategic meeting

During our initial briefing, we listen to the details of your project. Together, we identify the goals and develop the most suitable strategy to achieve them.



We evaluate and compare the final product idea with competitor services. We gather data on their UX, explore their websites, use their applications, and analyze their strengths and areas for improvement.


User Research and Personas

We create a questionnaire for target users, collecting targeted data to refine our audience. By defining personas, we understand user needs and outline user stories.


User Stories

We analyze the needs of each user interacting with the application, developing user stories and gathering ideas to identify the key features to include in the prototype.


Wireframes and prototyping

We design the application's flow for different user types to ensure the software is simple and intuitive to use. We then turn these proposals into wireframes linked via hyperlinks to simulate an interactive prototype.


User testing

The prototype is presented to test users to assess the usability of the flow and identify any issues. If necessary, we make structural changes to the wireframes.

The alchemy between UX and UI Design

User Interface Design (UI) plays a complementary role in the UX design process. While good UI Design makes the interface visually appealing and easy to use, UX Design focuses on the overall interaction and user satisfaction. Our approach to UX Design combines thorough research, the use of advanced tools, and an iterative process of design and testing. This allows us to create user experiences that meet individual needs and enhance the overall performance of the product.

Why choose our team?

User-centered approach

Our design approach is centered around the user. We design your product by thoroughly considering the needs of people, while staying aligned with your brand’s identity, values, and business goals.

360° Web Design

We offer full-service web design, including custom projects for websites, apps, and e-commerce, as well as creating landing pages for advertising campaigns. We can also help you define a new brand identity, providing tailored solutions for your business.

Feedback and collaboration

We meet your needs and engage in continuous dialogue throughout the process. By combining your insights into the target audience, services, and products with our team's expertise, we achieve your goals together.

Years of experience

Since 2012, we have been dedicated to providing custom digital solutions. Our experience guides us in finding the right ideas to satisfy each client, whether they are businesses, startups, or individuals from various sectors.

Continuous learning

The web is a constantly evolving world, and ongoing learning is essential. That’s why our web agency in Turin stays updated on the latest trends to offer you cutting-edge products.


Web design encompasses the activities involved in planning and designing websites. The web design team, in collaboration with digital marketers and web developers, creates websites with customized interfaces that meet user needs and requirements.

To be considered responsive, a website design must automatically adjust to different devices. This ensures that users do not have to resize the website’s content manually, as it adapts to the screen on which it is viewed.

Responsive web design works through CSS and HTML. By modifying certain settings, you can resize, hide, enlarge, reduce, or reposition website content to make it accessible from any screen.

The cost of web design depends on the complexity of your project. Based on your needs and budget, we will provide a detailed quote outlining the activities to be performed and the cost of the work before we begin.

UX Design (User Experience Design) refers to the set of activities involved in creating a web interface that provides an accessible and satisfying user experience. A UX expert analyzes various elements—such as target needs, user requirements, market sector, and competitors—to design a graphical interface that is as functional and effective as possible.

UI (short for User Interface) is the graphical interface through which a user interacts with a website or app. It includes elements such as buttons, text, images, sliders, and all other components that enable users to perform specific actions on the pages. Therefore, a UI designer focuses on creating the visual aspects of a digital product.

The two disciplines are complementary. While UX focuses on analyzing and designing the functions of a digital product to make it as user-friendly as possible, UI is concerned with visually implementing the UX Design. The team of UX and UI Design experts is responsible for analyzing, designing, and graphically creating the interfaces of websites and apps.

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We're based in Turin, but our code reaches everywhere!

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