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[be]Team: site development in Wordpress

|LS|be|RS|Team has been active in the world of ICT solutions for over 20 years, being a system integrator that offers services to medium and large companies operating in the area through offices in Turin and Milan.

They turned to Archibuzz’s web development team, asking them to create a website based on CMS Wordpress, which would give a new emphasis to the company’s mission: to create a path of digital transformation, focused on cloud-oriented solutions through the use of next generation data centers.


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To facilitate the user experience on the site, we have created custom icons for each offered "Solution". The icons are reproduced on the cover of each single "Solution" combined with a summary text, and also at the bottom of the page, to allow a free navigation between all the services available. We also thought of a web design in which the "Solutions" are identifiable by the base color of your custom icon, and by elements combined with it.

The posts and previews of the page "News & Events" have been configured with the display "Masonry" (mosaic) that allows the editor of the site to insert images without having to resize them to a fixed size. In this way, the previews of the articles are positioned in the area of the page, using all the space available between an image and the other.

Finally, at the request of the customer, we realized a small dynamic pop-up that shows a company presentation video. The pop-up gets activated by clicking on the appropriate icon "Play", located in the pages of the site where it was decided to give visibility to the presentation. The video was made by our creative design experts, using graphic elements and icons designed specifically for the customer.


If you are looking for an expert team in website development, Archibuzz is for you! Contact us, we will be happy to listen to your project!