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Design and development of the website for an association

The association COMILVA, which deals with promoting informed choices in the health field, has turned to us for the development of the new website, with the aim of creating a reference platform for all those who are interested in deepening some specific issues.

Sviluppo del sito web per una Onlus

To meet the needs of our customers, the website had to have some features: first, a structured and optimized organization, due to the large number of secondary pages provided by the site map; secondly, a user experience that is linear and easy to use.

Sviluppo del sito web per una Onlus

Through the cascade menu it is in fact possible to navigate between the different areas of the site: for some particularly complex sections have been inserted subcategories, in order to facilitate users in their path.

On the web design side, the predominant colors are the same as the logo: the basic idea was to give as much continuity as possible with respect to the visual identity of the association. In general the pages of the website have a very clean and institutional layout.

The need to have custom functionality within the portal, and specific requirements in terms of security, performance and reliability have immediately imposed the need to build the portal using the CMS Drupal 8. The Drupal Commerce suite of modules was used to manage subscriptions. The portal also presents within it some reserved areas whose access is only allowed to users with specific roles.

Through the platform, for example, you can join the association and have access to some pages reserved for members. Another feature we have implemented is the possibility to make donations quickly and efficiently.

Sviluppo del sito web per una Onlus

To make the user experience even more immediate has been inserted in the page "Contacts" a map of Italy; clicking on the region of interest will be shown the contact information of the corresponding territorial referent. In this section you will also be offered the opportunity to register for regional Telegram groups with a simple click.

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