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Exhibitions and works of Biblioteca Reale di Torino

The "virtual exhibitions" project comes from the need of the Royal Library of Turin to have an online space to catalog and publish on the web the works shown in past, current and future exhibitions.

The web application allows to publish online and promote the exhibitions of the institution, and at the same time it gives visitors, while they're physically present at the exposition, a way to access the descriptions of each work by pointing their smartphone on a QR Code which is automatically generated every time a work is inserted in the platform.

The application supports different roles: administrators, curators and registered users with different access privileges. Administrators and curators can group various works into virtual rooms that correspond to the physical rooms in which the works are shown. Also in this case, a QR Code is automatically generated for each room, and it can be displayed at the entrance of each room or exhibition space, allowing visitors to pre-load the smartphone with the descriptions of the works they will encounter during his journey.

The platform has been developed using Drupal 7 and the popular Bootsrap theme. We have optimized the layout of each pages showing many items of different shapes and sizes using Masonry.

La pagina delle mostre della Bibiioteca Reale
La pagina della mostra Leonardo e i Tesori del Re
Visualizzazione delle opere della mostra  Leonardo e i Tesori del Re