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A social media marketing strategy to promote the InnovLab CAMP project

In recent months we have collaborated with Fondazione Torino Wireless for the promotion of Innovlab CAMP, through an integrated social media marketing strategy.

Innovlab CAMP is a free training course focused on self-entrepreneurship, dedicated to young people between 18 and 25 years of age living in the province of Turin and in the territories of the Canavese and the Lanzo Valleys. The CAMP was funded by the Innovlab project of the GRAIESlab Cross-border Integrated Plan within the Alcotra international cooperation programme. They are partners of Innovlab Camera di Commercio of Turin, Coldiretti Torino, Gal Valli del Canavese and two french companies, Coeur de Savoie and Avant Pays Savoyarde. The purpose of the course? Enhance the territory and renew its economy, providing students with a solid basis to be able to start an innovative business idea or to successfully pursue the family business.

Social media marketing per InnovLab CAMP

To best promote the initiative, our web marketing experts worked in synergy with the graphic team to design a landing page that could provide all the necessary information to those interested.

UI/UX design side has realized a young concept, pop and colorful, able to capture the attention and highlight the salient elements (duration and mode of the course, dates etc.).

Social media marketing per InnovLab CAMP

The same graphic style was used for the Facebook page and the Instagram profile, both created from scratch to enhance the initiative. At the same time, a social media marketing strategy was developed that included an editorial plan and a social campaign on Facebook Business Manager, to increase enrolment for the course.

Social media marketing per il progetto InnovLab

Both for the posts of the editorial plan and for the insertion it was decided to remain faithful to the informal tone of voice and the lively graphic layout of the landing page, to maintain a common communicative imprint.

During the sponsored campaign we monitored the progress of the results, making changes during construction to try as much as possible to meet the needs of the target and customer. The positive response to the initiative by users has shown that social media marketing is a channel with infinite potential, when it is used with criterion and creativity.

Social media marketing per InnovLab CAMP

Do you have a project that you would like to promote through social media marketing? Do you need the development of a landing page or a platform to enhance an initiative? We will help you to develop the strategy more in line with your goals! Check out our social channels Facebook, Instagram and Twitter for inspiration!