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Turin's Galerie de Beautè: the development of Sinatra Profumerie's new site


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Immagine del tool



Sinatra Galerie de Beauté, the famous perfume shop based in Turin, in Piazza San Carlo, has always been an ideal of Savoy luxury and elegance. Our developers and designers have been working on the web design and the development of the brand’s new website in recent months, aiming to transmit effectively its values and highlighting its services.

In the Home of the site, a video accompanies users from the beautiful setting of Piazza San Carlo to the interior of the boutique. An immersive experience with a strong visual impact. 

The animations inserted inside the Home contribute to make the site dynamic and in line with the latest trends.

 The CMS Drupal was chosen for the development of the website, and it allowed us to create an interface easy to manage and update.

Sinatra profumerie

The structure of the site is simple and linear, allowing you to navigate between the different services and to select the mode of purchase that you prefer (via app, cushy shopping, contacting your trusted store or entering the Sinatra Privée platform).

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For each of the Services offered there is a dedicated page, constantly updated with data, price lists and detailed information about the conduction of the courses.

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Beauty Horoscope: for this page you can program the contents, which will be updated automatically from week to week. 

The page dedicated to the Events, has been designed to allow users to book directly online to join presentations, meetings and consultations.

The team of experts in website development and UX design was supported by web marketing specialists regarding SEO. In fact, both the main and secondary pages of the site have been optimized SEO, to improve its findability and get more traffic from organic research. 

If you are looking for ideas to renew the image of your business website, take a look at our Portfolio. Then it will be our team's turn to guide you in choosing one that suits best your needs.