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Web development and Google AdWords campaigns: Bios Elettronica

Bios Elettronica is a company producing electronic visual communication and LED display since 30 years. Bios Elettronica stands out in the national and international markets thanks to an innovative production methodology and today it’s considered as one of the leader enterprises of its sector. Bios Elettronica turned to Archibuzz for restyling its company website and improving its online visibility. 

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Its previous website was full of contents but it had become obsolete for what concerns graphic design, usability, responsiveness and SEO aspects. The new website was developed by our Drupal development team operating in Turin and, thanks to an accurate work of website redesign and content migration to the new platform, the new website features a multilingual display of the vast product catalog that represents the key pillar of the company's online lead acquisition strategy.


Our activities on Bios Elettronica website have also included the analysis and optimization of Google Ads campaigns, focused on a thorough keyword review, cost-per-clic and reverse correspondence keywords set-up. We have implemented remarketing campaigns in order to improve advertisement performance and enhance conversions, then we have realised campaigns on dedicated display networks, changing campaigns on research networks with display selection, with the aim of removing irrelevant clicks and optimising costs. In this way, it has been possible to diversifying traffic sources and increase the ROI of the AdWords campaigns.

