Archibuzz for #Limpidproject: innovative project for smart cities
The LIMPID, Live Inducement of Multimodality by Promoting the Internet of Data project, comes from the idea of creating a system that has as its main theme the transport, with particular attention to the environment (monitoring of pollution data) and safety (control via cameras, vulnerable road users).
More precisely, the aim is to focus on the problems of traffic both in large cities and in the rest of the territory. An important aspect of LIMPID is its "social" side: a part of the project in fact provides for voluntary reports posted by users of any problems such as accidents, road works, etc…
The data collection will be essential for the development of a Decision Support System, to create useful services for citizens, allowing to provide real-time status on traffic and at the same time, giving support to public administration. In addition, the collected data will integrate those already present on the regional platform Smartdatanet (mode open).
This is possible through data sources such as drones (which allow you to capture video images without location constraints and above all, they can be sent to analyze critical situations); multiradio box (for the assessment of users’ presence, and therefore of the density of traffic, through the analysis of the radio spectrum and other technologies); smart black box (analysis of various vehicle parameters, including the user’s driving style, consumption, etc... ) and electric bikes (equipped with connectivity to vehicles).
In #Limpidproject, Archibuzz will collaborate with leading partners within Piedmont that will deal with the most innovative parts, such as connectivity to the new elements of the system, new types of sensors and algorithms
The project, started almost ten months ago, comes to an end, and our collaboration gives a decisive breakthrough (in graphic terms) to the hard work done so far by our partners. We are talking about an application that includes part of the LIMPID system; we took care of the User Interface and User Experience’s design, by planning the graphic side that in these days is going from "design to development".
Soon we will go on the street to test the app in a real environment.
We will update you more specifically on the features of LIMPID and the benefits for its users.
The project has the potential to revolutionize the travel experience of each of us, with the suggestion of multimodal routes, whether you move on foot, by bike or by car.
tags: sviluppo web