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App Store Optimization, what are the differences from SEO?

App Store Optimization, what are the differences from SEO?

When talking about App Store Optimization, it is necessary to clarify the differences from SEO. The first, also known as ASO, is the set of operations that combine to make a mobile application more easily found within an app store.

To do this, we need to take into account the differences between Google Play and the App Store. The first hosts applications developed for the Android operating system, while the second hosts those made for iOS. It follows that the requests change depending on the reference store.

SEO (acronym Search Engine Optimization), on the other hand, includes all those operations that contribute to improving the positioning of a website within the Google SERP (search results). The two concepts are therefore similar, but differ in the field and modalities of application.

Among the similarities we certainly find the selection and use of keywords. Also in the case of the ASO it is essential to choose specific, relevant keywords that are able to best represent the primary intent of the application.


Other factors of fundamental importance in the case of an app, if you want to set up an effective App Store Optimization, are the app title (similar to the title of a web page), and its description (the equivalent of the meta description), which must be as clear and exhaustive as possible.

Typical of ASO is instead the particular attention to visual elements. Already in the mobile app design phase it is important to choose a graphic style that best reflects the intent and functionality of an application. The logo then really plays a key role in the branding economy, as it is the first "recognizable" element of the brand image. Of fundamental importance are the screenshots shown within the reference app store, which must be as explanatory and representative as possible.

Finally, returning to similarities, the success of an App Store Optimization strategy is determined by the increase in the number of downloads of the application. Something similar also happens for SEO, but it thinks in terms of website traffic.
In both cases, the constant analysis of technical performance and usage metrics is essential to confirm that everything is working properly.

Do you have an idea for an application and are you looking for a professional partner specialized in mobile app development? Do you already have a mobile app and would like to learn more about app store optimization? Contact us and tell us about your project!