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The benefits of a professional management of Google Ads campaigns

The benefits of a professional management of Google Ads campaigns

Google Ads is the online advertising program owned by the most used search engine in the world. Born more than twenty years ago, it has immediately become one of the best tools to increase the visibility of websites and achieve incredible results in a short time.

Through a professional management of Google Ads campaigns it is possible to create different types of online ads. What is the final aim? To reach users in the exact moment they show interest in the products and services offered.

Thanks to Google Ads it is possible, among other things:

  • to increase in-store and online sales;
  • generate leads;
  • encourage visits to the website;
  • create awareness;
  • promote your app.

Their proper management can bring significant benefits to your company. The first one, that we have already revealed to you, is that it will make you more visible online to users who are looking for products or services similar to yours.

In order for your investment to perform well, campaigns must be optimized and monitored everyday. Furthermore, it is necessary to create them with awareness of the objectives to be achieved.


Ads facilitate the buying process

The different campaign types (Search, Display, Video, Shopping, and App) determine where your ads will appear and their format. For this reason, in the analysis phase prior to the management of Google Ads campaigns it is necessary to think about the most suitable channel to use for the publication of the ads.

For example, ads posted on the search network appear alongside Google search results and also on other Google partner sites (such as YouTube). They are useful to get noticed by users who surf the net to look for services or products similar to those they want to promote, and facilitate the process of purchasing potential new customers.

Each campaign is fully customizable based on your commercial objectives. The "Targeting" setting in ad groups, allows campaigns to be shown only to certain audiences based on numerous factors, including location, device used, language and interests.

Furthermore, during the different phases of setting up and managing Google Ads campaigns, you can add extensions to your ads. You can therefore include even more information: links to certain pages of the website, telephone numbers, data on your location, etc.


Campaign optimization and ad performance

Optimizing a campaign means keeping the quality of the ads high, so that your brand can compete with the advertising of competitors. Some sectors in particular are very competitive.
A few examples? The sector related to banking services. Or, also, the businesses that deal with tourist services and travel sales. Or, again, clothing and cosmetics merchandising.

However, ad performance depends not only on their quality but also on how much you are willing to spend on a campaign.
The management of Google Ads campaigns can be very complicated for a novice also for the following reason. There is an "auction" mechanism that you need to monitor on a daily basis in order to make decisions about your daily budget. The latter can also be modified once the campaign has been activated, but it is advisable to make a correct market valuation in which you want to act from the outset. In fact, each state, region and city has a variable average budget that must be taken into consideration.


What is the bidding strategy?

There is also another important factor that must be considered, and that is the bid strategy, which determines the way you have to pay to get users to interact with your ads.

You need to vary your bidding strategy based on the type of campaign you want to create and the objectives you want to achieve. Let's take some examples of our Google Ads campaign management service.

When one of our clients wants to generate traffic to his website, we create a click-based bidding strategy for him. Bids are therefore, in this case, based on the average cost-per-click (CPC).

Instead, we use the cost per view (CPV) when we create a Video campaign and our client aims to increase the consideration of the product he advertises or the brand.

Or again, we set the CPA (cost per action) when the goal is to increase conversions. If we choose a CPA of € 15, Google Ads will set the bids in automatic mode to try to generate as many conversions as possible at the average cost of € 15.

There are still many other bidding strategies we use when managing Google Ads campaigns for our customers. Here are a few: Target ROAS, Maximize Conversions, CPCO (Optimized Cost Per Click), Target Impression Share, CPM (Cost Per Thousand Impressions), etc. For many of these, you need to make sure that you have enabled conversion tracking on Ads and that the tracking system is well set up.

How to get successful campaigns

Optimizing campaigns is the only strategy to avoid unnecessary expenses: an unsuccessful campaign, in fact, never leads to the desired results.

The reasons behind failure could be:

  • a wrong campaign;
  • a wrong strategy;
  • too low budget;
  • poor ad quality;
  • the underestimation of competition.


Relying on a team of experts to create campaigns will allow you to reach your goals more easily, without the risk of a wasted investment.

We have listed just some of the many actions we carry out every day during the optimization and management of Google Ads campaigns.

Would you like to try running a Google Ads campaign? Or are you already running some, but you're not satisfied with their performance? Contact us to request more information: together we can define the type of campaign that best suits your business.