The five golden rules to write good content
Now more than ever, content marketing is of crucial importance in communicating with the public. So, how to make the most of this opportunity, without making fatal mistakes or falling into monotony?
Below we have identified 5 basic rules from which to take the cue to be able to better write your articles.
The importance of the title
When you are looking for a suitable title for our content, the key word is creativity; the choice of title must be convincing, reflect the informative purpose of the written content and attract the attention of the reader.
Another element not to be underestimated when doing content marketing - if you decide to insert it - is the subtitle, which must be as explanatory as possible, allowing the user to understand the content of a text.
Finally, do not forget to insert the most important keyword, in a contextualized manner, both within the title and subtitle.
In choosing keywords, consistency is essential: you need to select them according to the topic and always try to insert them naturally and never forced. There are special tools to understand what could be the most effective keywords, such as the Keyword Magic Tool by Semrush.
How to start
It is often believed that the rule to get more engagement is the insertion of the keyword in the first paragraph.
What really matters is to provide the essential information to the readers, regardless of the keyword ranking.
The priority when it comes to content marketing is to inform as cohesive and coherently as possible, first of all by entering the main information, and deepening the subject in the following paragraphs.
An impactful consistent image with the content of the article definitely helps to capture the attention, but be careful not to overdo it!
It is important to keep the page user-friendly, avoiding inserting too many images in order not to excessively slow down the loading of the page and decrease the attention of the reader.
To create a good content in SEO perspective it is important to rename the present images in a descriptive way, and insert an alt text consistent with the nature of the image and the topic, using focus keyword when possible..
Text formatting
Content marketing experts know that an informative text must be as readable and smooth as possible, even from the point of view of formatting.
Making the text visually clear means taking care of every detail: from the use of the font, to the (not excessive) length of the paragraphs, to the wise use of subtitles, pointed and numbered lists.
Close the article
There are several ways to close an article, the most used is probably the insertion of a call to action, useful to invite users to take an action.
It can be for example a reference to social channels, or an invitation to visit your blog, the possibilities are so many.
These are 5 steps that will help improve your information content.
Would you like to implement your content marketing strategy with original and SEO-friendly articles? Do you have a project to share with us? Do not hesitate to contact us to implement your ideas!